Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wisdom Wednesday @ the Door County YMCA

Meditation & Relaxation

Sturgeon Bay- Y- Wisdom Wednesday
on Feb 14th 07

Namaste - Lets respect & honor each other first.

Breath Breath Breath

Breath for mind, Breath for body, & breath for your soul.

Vipassana Meditation has many benefits in our daily lives.
Breath - a Bridge to Meditation
“Breath - Present moment
Breath- reach to the source of life
Breath -transcend time and space
Breath - Be in the world & beyond” Osho

Vipassana is pure essence. You cannot add anything to improve it nor you can drop anything out of it.
First - breathing
Second - nostril
Third - Thoughts (awareness on everything you do from morning till night).

Let go - ego, attachments, anger, hatred, jealousy & negative clinging.

Practice-compassion, love, kindness, empathy & altruism.

Karma - Universal law of cause & effect.
Is Karma a fate or destiny? NO. Karma is created by our thoughts. We have the will power to accumulate good Karma as much as we can as well as bad ones.
Understanding Karma is like understanding yourself because it starts with you and your Karma is only for u.

Can Karma be changed? Yes! How? With our thoughts. Pure thoughts, selfless thoughts.
Can this be possible in this age? Yes, very much so. We can do it better now than ever.

Therefore, “Wisdom is not knowledge, wisdom is not experience & wisdom is not thinking. Wisdom is the attitude of no-self.

Compassion is not sympathy, compassion has no fix recipient and compassion is without a goal. Compassion is impartially benefiting all sentient being in just the right way.” Sheng Yen.

Buddha’s teaching : “The truth of suffering, the truth of origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation, and the truth of the path leading to this cessation.”
How? Eight fold paths. 8 rights.

“Love & compassion are necessities, not a luxury, without them humanity will & cannot survive, Dalai Lama”

“Be the change you wish to see in the world“, Gandhi

Next Mantra not om but BREATH.


Conscious breathing, awareness breathing - living fully.
I breath in - I am alive - I breath out - I smile- Tich Nath Han

“Do everything with (clarity of your) mind & (with awareness) then there is Buddha Nature in you” Prem Lama

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