Tuesday, January 09, 2007

OM Meditation & a little history.

OM OM OM (My sweet OM)

OM is a Sanskrit Word, which date backs to many centuries or it would not hurt to say even beginning of formation of language. It’s the word of Shiva, the Lord of lords’ according to the Hinduism. Hinduism is very big if we want to flip pages, it will take forever to go through entire Hinduism and related field such as gods, goddesses or cultural significance about certain deities. However, it would be appropriate to mention these three main gods of Hinduism, Brahma, Vishnu & Maheswara or Shiva. OM is made out these three main Gods. Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the distroyer (Yama Raja).

Here I will only describe the word OM and how I found. Well, first of all if we want to know OM we must know Shiva because of his very claim that “in Mantra I am the OM”,. He is basically talking to us of course and says further, “I am the TIME”. Now, think ? What did or does he mean by that? Well, we cannot say did because based on his words he is the time that means he is the past, present & future. He further mentions, “ I am the Universe”. These explantions are all written in Upanishad and many Hindu Vedic scriptures & in Bhagabat Gita a great story of Krishna the reincarnation of Vishnu one of the main God in Cosmic Shiva design.

Well, lets not go too far because I can get carried away by these fascinating stories of Gods & Deities of Buddhism & Hinduism. I grew up with the stories so you know how I feel. When I was growing up in the mountains, these very stories were my Television, or lets go with newer term Video Games. You probably wonder, I may be 80 years old to talk like this but I heard this stories between 1980 some to late 90s. Many parts of the Himalayan region still is in that time. Time hasn’t changed for the people who live in the mountains because time is only good, if things change and in the mountain things will not change for a long long time.

I am born Buddhist, what does it mean born Buddhist? Lets put it this way, Lamas are priest in Buddhist hierarchy. Lama gives name when a child is born. I cannot give my child a name of my own chosen one, I may give a second name but not the real name because it has to named by a Lama. It doesn’t work like that in Buddhist nor in Hindu system. Lama are the priest of Buddhist where as Bramin for Hindus. So, Lama gives the name to a recent born child and Lama will cremate the body of the dead. That means Lama initiates the life of one and Lama ends the life by cremating the body and burning the name, which was given when that person was born. In the Himalayas that is how tradition is being kept. Now, you might say what does it have to do with OM. I am going there, as I have mentioned I am born Buddhist. I am a Lama. No relation to His Holiness Dalai Lama however, according the Buddhist tradition, we are very related in terms of Lama hood. We practice the same principles of Buddha, Dharma & Sangha. Like I mention, I can get carried away. Well, OM is very common Mantra for both Hindu & Buddhist. OM is the starting point as well as ending point. So, it is very important part of any spirituality because it promotes all the good things.

I was born in Buddhist family but when I went to school, I had to spend in a Hindu family because in the Himalayas, trekking from my own home to school was almost impossible because of daily hike. So, I had to spend most of my childhood in a Chetri family, which is according to the Hinduism, they (Chetris) are the warriors a one cast below Brahmin (priest). Living in a Hindu family, stories of Gods & Goddess were the hottest trend in the villages. Story telling was one of the favorite pastime for villagers. That is where I grew up blending myself in with Hindus.

As far as I know OM is everything that you can think of yet OM is empty. OM is solid yet OM is liquid. So, the bottom line is when you recite OM, you realize that you are practicing emptiness. You recognize form without form. You see nothing yet you see everything. It is beyond time & concept. As Shiva mentions, “I am the TIME”, that means he is right now here with me. He is here with you when you are reading this very writing. OM is simply the word of Shiva and when we recite OM we are reciting Shiva in many form. Practicing OM meditation will give you a very soothing, calm and very attuned to your senses because Shiva the creator of the Universe sits in OM. That is why practicing Yoga with OM gives such a good feeling because you are touched by Shiva Mantra. OM mantra such a beautiful Mantra. You better believe it because your Karma depends on it.

If you want to practice OM meditation
  • Simply sit in a very comfortable mattress in an area where you could enjoy some lone time. May be a room or corner of your bedroom. Less disturbance would be helpful but quietness would be best.
  • Crossing your leg for comfort and for your back. Put your both hands on your lap or simply hold each index finger with your thumb to create like OK sign and place it on your knee facing upwards.
  • Close your eyes or focus on something in a one single point but it has to be straight and same level as your eyes.
  • Recite long OOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM once and as soon as you are done reciting Om follow the number 5.
  • Simply breath long breaths. Inhale time & exhale time should be approximately equal, which is 4-5 seconds.
  • Breathing in & breathing out. Focus your mind in your belly movement. As you breath in your belly will rise & when you breath out your belly will shrink.
  • Visualize your belly as a balloon and expand as much as you inhale don’t go too far, everything has a limit. As you breath out, simply empty the balloon completely, no more air should be left behind.
  • Keep going until your leg begins to cramp or feel uneasy because of sitting. You will know it is getting to the end of your cofort zone. This is when you recite Ooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm three times. Long ones.
  • Before you open your eyes, rub your both hands together and place it over your eyes, nose, face. Simply touch your face and give the energy. Repeat 3 times and at the end time, simply place your both palms over your eyes and open your eyes inside the palm, blink few times and simply looking at your palm, slowly let your both hand fall down slowly on your lap.
  • Now take a long breath and put your both hands together and bow to the spiritual OM (Invisible), while seated. Slowly get up and your meditation is done for the day. You will have a great day.
  • This meditation can be extended longer and longer based on your experience. If you have any simple questions related to Hinduism or Buddhism? Let me know. I will find the way to answer it.

I am going to include some links below, where you can find many items related to devotion & spirituality. Simply click on it and enjoy browsing.



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